How Quantum Entanglement could be the basis of the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is often taught in ways to create abundance for our lives, that whatever we desired, as long as we can be a vibrational match for it, would come automatically. In a nutshell, what’s alike draws to each other is what law of attraction is all about. Many have successfully created abundance of wealth, health, relationships, and all sort of pleasures for their lives as they master such simple yet fundamental laws of life. But would you dare to take it up a notch?

What if, law of attraction is not just a tool to create abundance for our lives? What if it stretches far beyond what is perceived and understood by the general populace right now? What if, one of its unique uses, would be that you are able to perform telekinetic acts and move objects around with your thoughts alone?

Now this is going to sound crazy a little bit, but do bear with me as I explore the possibility with the help of some scientific theories…

What is Quantum Entanglement?

In quantum physics, there is this concept called quantum entanglement. Basically, the quantum entanglement theory is that, particles vibrating in deep coherence would create some kind of deep connection linking them together.

In Michio Kaku’s Physics of the Impossible book, there is this example that would help you understand the term quantum entanglement better:

“If two electrons are initially vibrating in unison (a state called coherence) they can remain in wavelike synchronization even if they are separated by a large distance. Although the two electrons may be separated by light-years, there is still an invisible Schrodinger wave connecting both of them, like an umbilical cord. If something happens to one electron, then some of that information is immediately transferred to the other electron (in a speed faster than the speed of light).”

Now in his book, this concept was mentioned under the chapter Teleportation. Basically, if you are to introduce 3 atoms in an experiment, with atom A and B being entangled initially. Then an atom C is put in contact with atom A. Atom C would then scan atom A, becomes entangled and transfers its information to atom A. Atom B being already entangled with atom A, would automatically receive the new information and becomes identical to atom C. Hence a “teleportation” could happen by utilizing this concept, albeit that atom C did not actually move.

But if you are still with me, this is not an article dealing with teleportation.

How Quantum Entanglement could be the basis of the Law of Attraction?

The pre-requisite of the invisible Schrodinger wave that connects both objects invisibly regardless of distance, is that they have to vibrate in unison. In other words, as long as they offer the exact same vibration, a quantum entanglement could be formed. If there is an object that we would like to connect to, then as long as we can offer the exact vibration, theoretically speaking, the connection would be formed as well.

Scientifically speaking, it would be very difficult to know the exact vibration of an object, what’s more to mimic its vibration in order to form a Schrodinger connection. But spiritually speaking, things may be different.

Through practices of deep meditation, it may be possible for one to not only feel the vibration of an object, but to remember it as well in the form of a feeling. Think of all the times in your dreams that you have dreamed about somebody even when they are not actually there, you were recalling their vibrations and how they felt to you. We as humans are an amazing creation as while we have our physical vibration that forms our physical appearance, we are also able to offer a vastly different vibration through our mind. Now if one is able to master the techniques of meditation (or other techniques) to feel and remember the vibrations of the object to control, and subsequently regenerate it in the back of his mind, he would hypothetically be able to create a quantum entanglement between the object and his mind. Once the connection is formed, would it be possible for him to move it around purely via thoughts alone, ie via psychokinesis?

A little lost?

Now you may be wondering, heck what does the law of attraction have to do with all of this? To bring you back to what was said initially, what’s alike draws to each other. Perhaps the object we desired to manipulate wouldn’t fly across the room and hit our head in a very literal attraction sense, but invisibly, the Schrodinger wave would be creeping out from the object and our mind, drawing to each other and creating the bridge for quantum entanglement if we are able to offer identical vibrations. And this would be the same as attracting wealth, health, relationships, or any other abundance and still fit the description of the law of attraction perfectly wouldn’t it?

Perhaps this is actually what’s happening each time we offer thoughts that are a vibrational match for our desires. We emit out all these Schrodinger waves and forms and all sort of quantum entanglements with our desired outcomes, and quietly pull them over into our life. When you have mastered the law of attraction, when you have mastered the generation of vibrations for things you desired, would you be able through conscious efforts, to become a vibrational match for a specific object, creating the quantum entanglement connection, and manipulate it at will?
